👋 We’re Criw Celf West.

We run masterclasses to develop the skills of artistically talented children and young people in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire.

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Masterclasses near you.

Criw Celf West gives children and young people the chance to develop their creative skills through our masterclasses. Each county offers a bespoke programme, led by professional artists and educators. Use the links below to discover what programs run in your area.

Swansea & Neath Port Talbot

Two students and a teacher are screen printing.

For young people who live in Swansea or Neath Port Talbot.


Three students are looking at their work.

For young people who live in Carmarthenshire


A young child is drawing in her sketchbook at an exhibition.

For young people who live in Pembrokeshire.


Masterclasses are taught sessions led by professional artists and educators to develop the skills of artistically gifted children and young people. They’ll explore new techniques and have access to professional knowledge and equipment.

View Past Masterclasses


The workshops in the universities were so much fun and were extremely helpful with helping to decide which university to go to.

Raising the Bar Participant

The best bit about Criw Celf has been making new friends! I also loved how friendly everyone is. It’s a wonderful environment.

CCS Participant

I’ve loved learning loads of new artistic skills which I hadn’t done before – and I’ve made new friends.

Portfolio Participant